PRESCHOOL $265/week, no annual membership fee

Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00
Ages 3-5

Preschool program includes gymnastics instruction, and arts and crafts. Please send your child with a healthy snack and water. Children must be potty trained.

HALFDAY CAMP $265/week, no annual membership fee

Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00
Ages 6 & up

Half-day camp is all gymnastics. Coaches will teach skills for all levels and on all events. They will have a 10 min break for a snack halfway through the morning.. You can provide them with a snack, or they can purchase one from the Snack Shack or vending machines.

FULL-DAY CAMP   $340/week, no annual membership fee

Monday- Friday 9:00-4:00 Age 6 & up

There will be gymnastics event training from 9:00-12:00, lunch from 12:00-1:00, and gymnastics tricks and games from 1:00-4:00. Please bring a lunch, drink, and a snack for break time. Please be sure to pack a refillable water bottle. We have a pizza party every Friday for lunch, children must bring in $5 to cover the cost of pizza if they are not going to pack a lunch on Fridays.

Summer Camp Schedule

Camp Weeks Offered

  • June 23 - June 27

  • July 7 - July 11

  • July 14 - July 18

  • July 21 - July 25

  • July 28 - Aug 1

  • Aug 4 - Aug 8

  • Aug 11 - Aug 15

  • Aug 18 - Aug 22